[Meta Meta / 森山大道] | 神保町の小宮山書店 / KOMIYAMA TOKYO



[ Item ID : 100699 ]

タイトル Meta Meta【新刊 / New Publication】【サイン入 / Signed】
著者/作家 森山大道
出版社 Akio Nagasawa Publishing
発行年 2022年
基本情報 1冊 サイン入 限定350部 表紙:シルクスクリーン ソフトカバー ページ:コピー用紙ホチキス留め エディションナンバー入 215 mm x 264 mm 日本語 / 英語
状態 新刊 

森山大道 あとがきより

Title Meta Meta
Author/Artist Daido Moriyama
Publisher Akio Nagasawa Publishing
Year 2022
Details Signed. Limited Edition of 350 Copies. Cover: Screen Print, Soft cover Pages: Copy Paper Stapled, Edition Number, 215 mm x 264 mm. Japanese / English.
New Book.

From afterwords by Daido Moriyama

"I discovered several dozen polaroid photos the other day that I had totally forgotten about, in the lowermost drawer of my locker at my workplace. They are images that I was assigned to shoot some years back, and that were put away once they had served their purpose. And now, all of a sudden, they were excavated and once again exposed to the sunlight.

Having turned into undefined fragmentary images in pale, indistinct shades of sepia, the photographs stunned me as I looked at them. Over the enormous time that had passed, they had degenerated more and more, and what remained were mere ruins of images, faint traces of a “time” that was already separated from the person who shot these photographs. They had transformed into something that was in another dimension altogether, and that seemed to be shouting out at me: “Look at us, and know all the candid details!”

What is to see there are perhaps tokens of the immeasurable time that connects all human beings, and of the way we direct our “memory of the retina” toward the sky."
