アーティスト IG@kenseiyabuno
1975年、北海道生まれ。イギリスのCamberwellCollege of ArtsでFine Artを専攻。limart、THE LAST GALLERY、新宿伊勢丹などでペインティング、立体作品を発表。『アイデア』や『vice』、『DAZED & CONFUSED』など国内外の雑誌にも作品を提供する。また、COMME des GARÇONSの2011年春夏ウィメンズコレクションに、作品がテキスタイルとして採用された。最近の展示に、写真家 大沼茂一との二人展『WHY YOU』(2019年/HYSTERIC GLAMOUR SHIBUYA)、個展『Untitled』(2022年/KOMIYAMA TOKYO G)がある。
KENSEI YABUNO Born in Hokkaido, Japan in 1975, KENSEI YABUNO pursued a degree in Fine Art at Camberwell College of Arts in the United Kingdom. He has presented his paintings and three-dimensional works at various prestigious venues, including limart, THE LAST GALLERY, and Shinjuku Isetan. His work has garnered recognition in national and international publications such as 'idea,' 'vice,' and 'DAZED & CONFUSED.' Additionally, his artistic creations found their way into COMME des GARÇONS' 2011 Spring/Summer Women's Collection as textile designs. Notable recent exhibitions include a joint exhibition with photographer Shigekazu Onuma titled 'WHY YOU' (2019/HYSTERIC GLAMOUR SHIBUYA) and the solo exhibition 'Untitled' (2022/KOMIYAMA TOKYO G).