Real Tokyo ArtKOMIYAMA TOKYO ART LABEL いがらしゆみこYumiko Igarashi
漫画家 アーティスト
少女漫画雑誌『なかよし』(講談社)専属作家として活動し、代表作「キャンディ♡キャンディ」を手掛ける。作品は海外でも絶大な人気を誇り、世界中にファンを持つ。デビューから50年以上経た今、新たな試みとしてキャンバス作品を制作。KOMIYAMATOKYOで新作を発表する。Legendary cartoonist of girls manga, who let the comic magazine “Nakayoshi” reached the zenith of phenomenon of girls manga in 70’s with the masterpiece, “Candy ♡ Candy.” Her sugar-sweet, lovestruck drawing style have established the solid reference to later young manga artist, and her cute and mellow icons became enthusiastic boom prompted animation in Japan, France, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Indonesia. In 2021, as the fresh and new challenge being over 50 years of debut, Yumiko’s art went into drawing on Canvas. Eagerly awaited her first artworks are revealed from KOMIYAMA TOKYO in 2021.